proudly presents...

Dialogue in the Dark™ workshops are powerful half-day immersive experiences comprising of individual and team activities conducted in complete darkness. Our Lived Experience facilitators are blind or have low vision and are experts in non-visual perception, creating an atmosphere of authenticity, empathy and openness. Being immersed in darkness, individuals and behaviours are challenged through a series of activities, lived experience stories and thought-provoking dialogue.

We are proud to work with Guide Dogs Australia as our charity partner.


Power of the Dark

Being immersed in darkness, individuals are confronted with the unknown. The dark experience accelerates, amplifies and anchors learning whilst challenging belief systems, resetting boundaries and shining a light on one’s unconscious brain. Even the temporary loss of one key sense will display a person’s emotional intelligence and social competence, as these are the abilities that spring into action and are quickly enhanced.

We offer 3 unique Dialogue in the Dark workshops each covering a specific issue currently impacting individuals, teams and organisations today,
Inclusion – Connection – Wellbeing. 


Dialogue for Inclusion

Deep dive into the neuroscience of inclusion at an individual and team level. Explore the constructs of inclusion and investigate the impacts of power, stereotypes and conformity has on inclusion at a mindset, social and cultural level. Understand the power of inclusion through G.R.A.C.E™, psychological safety and allyship. 


Dialogue for Connection

Explore one of the key culture factors shaping success in the hybrid workplace, the impact of intentional communication on creating and maintaining, meaningful connections. Deep dive into communication dynamics, chemical processes in our brains and rich dialogue around conscious choice and intentional impact. 


Dialogue for Wellbeing

An immersive and practical experience that explores whole person connectivity where the focus is on leveraging mental
and emotional connections. Discover the importance of holding agency, empowerment and adopting a courageous mindset to sustain positive, energy fuelled, authentic interactions.



How do I find out more?

Contact us

Nadine 0419 569 112 | Joanna 0407 096 400 | Louise 0407 551 039









challenge darkness?

The Culture Group's partners

P. Kathryn – 0478 142 664